Mikigak Kingwatsiak
Cape Dorset
Mikigak Kingwatsiak's creative work was predominantly inspired by the 1960s. The astronomical impact of the 1960s was truly astonishing across the globe. Evocative of a time stirring both faith and anger, the 1960s triggered an outburst of cutting-edge philosophies and movements, truly sensational and spectacular.
1960, 1961: "Eskimo GRaphic Art", Cape Dorset, N.W.T (illustrated catalog)
1967: "Eskimo Sculpture", Winnipeg Art Gallery
1970: "Mythology in Stone", Canadian Guild of Craft, Montreal
1971: "Sculpture in miniature" CGC, Montreal
1972: "Cape Dorset: Selected sculpture from the Twomey Collection, WAG
1975: "Cape Dorset: Selected sculpture from the WAG"
March-April 1979: Sculpture of the Inuit", Surrey Art Gallery, BC
Nov-Dec 1979: "In Celebration" CGC, Montreal
Dec1979-jan1980: "Cape Dorset Sculpture", The Signature Shop, Atlanta
Jan-Mars 1980: " Cape Dorset", WAG
Sept-Oct 1980: "The Inuit Sea Goddess", Museum of Fine Art, Montreal
Oct 1980: "Mikigak Kingwatsiak", Snow Goose, Ottawa
Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Ottawa.
Twomey Collection, Winnipeg Art Gallery.